The Newsletter - No. 37 – January-February 2005

A very happy and successful New Year to you all.

The Squire thanks you all for the Christmas cards and seasonal wishes that “poured in”.  The Bagman and Treasurer likewise. 

We are sorry to hear that Past Squire, Roy Yarnell, has been in hospital – we wish him a very speedy recovery.  Likewise, the Treasurer, Steve Adamson, who took the opportunity of a cancelled bed-space to have some “routine maintenance”, and is now back home [and doing far too much!!] – so do not hassle him too hard for a while unless really necessary. 

Did your Side send their subscription?  There are still a [very] few Sides that have not.  If you paid, you are covered and your Insurance Document should be enclosed.  If it is not, and you have not paid, then you will NOT be covered by insurance when practising or performing.  [Some Documents have been sent separately, if needed, and “later payers” will also have been mailed separately].  Queries - to the Treasurer, who is chasing the unpaid and  uninsured. 

Thanks to all those who take, and forward, the Newsletter to their Sides by Email.  This assists communication – the Bagman received it by Email from Bedford [and another Side!!]. 

An “official” welcome to Morris 18 – 30.  They are now Associate Members, in their own right; and covered by their own Insurance.

Document file: 
Publication date: 
February 2005