Our commitment to people

The Morris Ring is committed to ensure that everyone we have dealings with is treated fairly, without bias or discrimination. This means that we will do our best to:

  • Treat people with respect
  • Avoid behaviour which is discriminatory, or which treats a person less favourably than others
  • Avoid behaviour which amounts to harassment, bullying or victimisation

The Morris Ring is committed to ensuring that morris dancing is made as accessible to as many and as wide a range of people as possible.

How we will meet this commitment

By ensuring that Morris Ring officers, member clubs and those who represent the Morris Ring are aware of what constitutes unfair treatment, as defined in legislation, and are committed to avoiding unfair treatment of those they deal with

  • By ensuring that Morris Ring activities are assessed by those organising them to ensure that they avoid unfairness and are aimed at as wide a range of participants as possible
  • By keeping this policy under review
  • By ensuring that member clubs are aware of the importance of fair and indiscriminatory treatment, of the legal requirements of relevant legislation such as the Equality Act, and by encouraging them to devise appropriate policies for their own activities
  • By challenging discrimination, harassment and other unfair behaviour when we encounter it, where necessary implementing policies for members such as that relating to face make-up adopted in 2021;
  • Member sides should not use any solid full-face coloured makeup or disguise which could be taken by a reasonable observer to imitate or parody a skin colour different from their own.
  • By investigating any complaints we receive promptly, and fairly, and to take appropriate action to resolve the matter, including disciplinary actions as necessary
  • By promoting the morris to place emphasis on reaching as wide a range of people as we can
  • By identifying barriers to participation in morris and working to remove those barriers where we can.