Many sides have now developed their own dances either based on existing traditions, or in a completely new 'tradition' of their own. It is important that there is a record of these dances to ensure that they are not lost, either through non-use by the side which devised them, or in the event of the side ceasing to operate. I would urge all sides to (preferably) deposit with me a copy of notation & tune for any dance they have devised, or otherwise make arrangements for such notations to go to the Ring in the event of the side folding. The notation will not be made available to any other side unless such permission is given.
My contact email is bonnygreencolin [at]
A list of new dances for which notation is held by the Ring can be found here .
The list will be updated from time to time.
A side can also post its current repertoire of dances on the Morris Dance Database,, which is sponsored by both The Morris Ring and The Morris Federation. No notation shown but links to where notation is available can be given. If repertoire is not already fully listed for a side, please log on to the website for details of how to submit such information.
Colin Andrews
Morris Ring New Dance Collator
Email bonnygreencolin [at]