At the Sheffield 2012 Annual Representatives' Meeting the late Peter Halfpenney, Squire of The Morris Ring, gave a well received talk on Morris Presentation & Set Awareness.
The notes attached are an aide-memoir for good practice, intended to illuminate features of the performance that should be second nature but that may have fallen fallow due to complacency or over familiarity. They are written not as a technical handbook; rather as an interpretation of what might be deemed ‘classy’ from the audience perspective.
As he stated in his introduction "The Morris Ring as an Association does not seek to direct its member clubs how to dance. It can offer help, encouragement and stimuli to aid sides in exploring new territory and in presenting Morris dance as an attractive and disciplined art form, enjoyable for the performers and appealing to its audiences."
(See also Mike Garland's Putting on a Show - June 2020)
It's now up to you.