Everyone who participates in morris dancing is entitled to do so in an enjoyable and safe environment. This applies to everybody, but particularly to those legally classed as children or as vulnerable adults (hereafter collectively referred to as vulnerable people).
In its own activities the Morris Ring is committed to ensuring that, when given responsibility for vulnerable people, it provides them with the highest possible standard of care as detailed in the full safeguarding policy.
While acknowledging that its member clubs are diverse, and many do not include vulnerable people amongst their members, the Morris Ring is committed to encouraging all of its member clubs to devise and implement safeguarding policies appropriate to their membership and activities as described in the Morris Ring’s Advice to Sides. Sides with vulnerable members are particularly at risk if they have not devised and implemented a Safeguarding Policy. Recent events in the Press have illustrated that an organisation without a policy can be vulnerable to Press criticism even where no issue has arisen.
While the Morris Ring’s Safeguarding policy is devised for the Ring’s own activities it, together with the Advice to Sides, will provide a helpful starting point to any side formulating its own Safeguarding policy.
By ensuring that Ring officers, member clubs and those who represent the Ring are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities, as defined in legislation, and are committed to promoting the well-being of those they deal with.
By ensuring that Ring activities are assessed by those organising them to ensure that potential safeguarding issues are identified and suitable steps put in place to deal with them, working in partnership with clubs, vulnerable people and their parents / carers.
In relation to its member sides, the Morris Ring will:
ensure that they are aware of the importance of safeguarding, of the legal requirements of relevant legislation
encourage them to devise appropriate policies for their own activities
provide information on devising an appropriate safeguarding policy for the club
provide specific safeguarding information to clubs when requested
By challenging unsafe behaviour when we encounter it.
By investigating any safeguarding concerns we receive promptly, and fairly, taking appropriate action to resolve the matter
The Executive Officers of the Morris Ring have responsibility for implementing the Safeguarding policy and will keep it under regular review.