The first column shows the year that the office of the Bagman started.

Walter Abson, the first Bagman of the Morris Ring
Walter Abson, the first Bagman of the Morris Ring


1934 Walter Abson Died 27th February 2005
1946 Bob Ross Died 24th May 2005
1950 Russell Wortley Died 7th January 1980
1959* Norman Peacock Died 11th August 2015
1959 Ewart Russell Died 3rd April 1989
1971 John Wells Died 30th May 2014
1977 Mike Garland East Suffolk Morris Men
1984 Keith Francis Silurian Border Morris Men
1991 Chas Arnold Ripley Morris
1995 Tony Parsons Shakespeare Morris
1998 John Frearson Bedford Morris Men
2005 Charlie Corcoran Leicester Morris Men
2015 Jon Melville Anker Morris Men

*moved, did not take office