Recruitment is always a hot topic for morris sides/teams. The JMO (*) hosted a panel from across all 3 morris organisations, to share their tips and experiences of what has worked well for their team/side. Topics we covered included: Survey of recruitment avenues; Recruiting whilst dancing out; Giving talks; Printing cards; Social Media – Facebook Business Suite; YouTube; Tik Tok; Aims of practising and recruitment drives (setting an event as a target); Associations with other local organisations.
Participants own ideas and experiences were shared too. Each speaker spoke for around 15-20 minutes with time for Q&A .
JMO Recruitment Video
A synopsis of the discussions is now available Joint Morris Organisation - Recruiting New Members___
The late Peter Halfpenney's document on recruitment has been available on-line for quite a while. I amended it during my tenure as Squire and had recently been discussing a further amendment with him which I provide here as part of this good man’s incredible legacy.
He put so much effort, time, and energy not only into the research and collation of the document, but into the Morris world in general. The document provides Sides with a range of methods and advice to hopefully ensure your survival and this legacy should live on for many years.
His intention was that this work should be a living document being amended and added to over time. I knew Peter for many years; honoured to class him as a friend, and am pleased to continue his work.
In memory of Peter Halfpenney.
Adam Garland
Past Squire of the Morris Ring