The Morris Ring was founded on the fundamental principle of fellowship. It exists to bring sides together, reflecting a shared enjoyment in Morris dancing and a shared concern for the standards of its performance; the Morris Ring was established to preserve and develop the traditions and to promote the formation of new sides to carry those traditions on into the future, hopefully in perpetuity.
Whilst originally an association of men’s clubs, at our 2018 Annual Representatives Meeting there was overwhelming support for a proposal to enable any morris team, whatever its gender make up, to become a member of The Morris Ring if they support the founding principles of the organisation:
The object of the Morris Ring shall be to encourage the performance of the Morris, to maintain its traditions and to preserve its history; to bring into contact all the Morris Clubs or Teams. The purpose of the Morris Ring is not to replace or supersede the existing organisations, but to sub-serve them. The Clubs shall in all respects retain their independence.
Any established Club or Team which meets regularly for Morris or Sword Dancing or Mumming, and endeavours to uphold the standards and dignity of the Morris, shall be eligible for Membership of the Morris Ring. The normal route to full membership, which is subject to approval at the annual representatives meeting, is by first seeking Associate Membership. This will give newcomers the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of membership whilst we get to know each other. Any Elected Officer or Area Representative will be pleased to discuss membership opportunities.
The membership year runs from 1st December. Fees may be charged on a quarterly pro-rata basis for sides joining part way through the year.
Note: A discount in all membership types of £10 is in future applicable if paid by bank transfer. This reflects the now ease of electronic transfer and the additional inconvenience of cheque payments.
Bank details are as follows;
Bank: NatWest
Sort code: 60-06-14
Account number: 35382066
Details of the process and the benefits are listed below:
Admission of a Club into full Membership of the Morris Ring shall, after recommendation by the Officers, be effected by a majority of votes cast at the Annual Meeting of Club Representatives. Each Club so admitted shall be provided with a symbol of its membership of the Morris Ring. Membership is renewed annually on November 30th. Associate and Joint members attaining full membership will only have to renew at that point. Formal application forms are available from the RingTreasurer [at] (subject: Membership) (Morris Ring Treasurer).
1. £60 annual standard subscription level is inclusive of:
- Public liability insurance with an indemnity of £10,000,000.
- Performing Rights Society (P.R.S.) cover.
- 2 x copies of each periodical Morris Circular publication.
- Electronic copy of the periodical Morris Ring Bagman’s newsletter.
- Electronic copy of the annual Morris Dancer journal (under review).
- The right to attend the Annual Representatives Meeting, submit motions & propositions, discuss and vote on all appropriate matters.
- Attend and participate in various Morris Ring meetings and instructionals throughout the year.
- Listing in the Morris Ring Directory (e) and on the website Find a Side page
- The camaraderie of your fellow Morris Ring member.
2. The option of taking up the Personal Accident Insurance cover.
Admission to Associate Membership is by application to the RingTreasurer [at] (subject: Membership) (Morris Ring Treasurer) and is subject to the approval of the elected officers. This is the normal route to applying for full membership. Membership can be renewed annually, subject to the approval of the elected officers.
1. £50 annual standard subscription level is inclusive of:
- Public liability insurance with an indemnity of £10,000,000.
- Performing Rights Society (P.R.S.) cover.
- 1 x copy of each periodical Morris Circular publication.
- Electronic copy of the periodical Morris Ring Bagman’s newsletter.
- Electronic copy of the annual Morris Dancer journal (under review).
- The right to attend the Annual Representatives Meeting and participate in debates but not to submit motions or vote.
- Attend and participate in various Morris Ring meetings and instructionals throughout the year.
- Listing in the Morris Ring Directory (e) and on the website Find a Side page
- The camaraderie of your fellow Morris Ring members.
2. The option of taking up the Personal Accident Insurance cover.
In order to permit and encourage Morris sides which already have Public Liability Insurance with another organisation to enjoy membership of the Morris Ring, we have created a Joint Membership category. This will open up an opportunity for any side which meets the constitutional requirements of the Morris Ring and has Public Liability insurance cover elsewhere, to seek Joint Membership. The side may be a standalone entity or a distinct part of a larger umbrella organisation. In effect this will be Associate Membership without insurance cover.
Admission to Joint Membership is by application to the RingTreasurer [at] (subject: Membership) (Morris ring Treasurer) and is subject to the approval of the elected officers. This is the normal route to applying for full membership. Membership can be renewed annually, subject to the approval of the elected officers.
1. £30 annual standard subscription level is inclusive of:
- Performing Rights Society (P.R.S.) cover.
- 1 x copies of each periodical Morris Circular publication.
- Electronic copy of the periodical Morris Ring Bagman’s newsletter.
- Electronic copy of the annual Morris Dancer journal (under review).
- The right to attend the Annual Representatives Meeting and participate in debates but not to submit motions or vote.
- Attend and participate in various Morris Ring meetings and instructionals throughout the year.
- Listing in the Morris Ring Directory (e) and on the website Find a Side page
- The camaraderie of your fellow Morris Ring members.
2. The option of taking up the Personal Accident Insurance cover.
Clubs whose standards fall below those generally accepted by the Member Clubs, may, following the advice of the Officers, be suspended from Membership of the Morris Ring if at least two thirds of the votes cast at the Annual Meeting of Club Representatives are in favour of such suspension.