Winster processional, Morris Book Part II 1909

A surviving form of Derbyshire Morris, Winster has features similar to the Cotswold tradition together with the elaborate costume and processional elements of the North-West Morris.

Sharp made much of the Winster tradition and photographed it enthusiastically in 1909. After the First World War, however, it died but was revived again in the twenties to last until the second war when it faded again. The next 'revival' was in 1951 - with impetus gathered from the Festival of Britain - but this too was short lived. But as with many other sides, it flourished again and the present side dates from 1979.

"with a crash and a din, Comes The Morris Dancer In ...", The Morris Ring, 1984

The Morris March and The Morris Dance, MDT



  1. The Blue-Eyed Stranger, J.Pilling
  2. The Blue-Eyed Stranger, CJS MSS
  3. The Morris Reel, MDT
  4. The Morris Gallop, CJS MSS
  5. The Morris March
MB III; RD. RD's sources are Sharp's MSS, information from Julian Pilling (collected in 1966), and Prof.W.F.Cassie's (1950)
Winster Morris Dancers Today - from the Winster Village Web Site.   Complete ABC File of Tunes In Tradition  

Tunes from the Winster tradition

ABC file Sheet music Audio file
Blue Eyed Stranger (Handkerchief) Binary Data ABC PDF icon PDF
Blue Eyed Stranger (Stick) Binary Data ABC PDF icon PDF
Morris Gallop Binary Data ABC PDF icon PDF
Morris March Binary Data ABC PDF icon PDF
Morris Reel Binary Data ABC PDF icon PDF