- The Morris On, Jour EFDSS, Vol 8.
- The Morris Off, Jour EFDSS, Vol 8.
- Bean Setting, MDT
- Constant Billy, MDT
- Constant Billy, RKS(MSS)
- Rigs O'Marlow, MDT
- Rakes O'Marlow, Carey (MSS)
- Rodney, MDT
- Rodney, Carey (MSS)
- Hunting the Squirrel, MDT
- Hunt the Squirrel (Drawback), Carey (MSS)
- Hunt the Squirrel, Herschel (MSS)
- Laudnam Bunches, Carey (MSS)
- Laudnam Bunches, MDT
- Trunkles, MDT
- How D'Ye Do, Sir, MDT
- Country Gardens, MDT
- Country Gardens, Carey (MSS)
- The Blue-Eyed Stranger, MDT
- The Blue-Eyed Stranger, Carey (MSS)
- Double Set-Back, MDT
- Double Set-Back, RKS(MSS)
- Double Set-Back, Carey (MSS)
- Getting Upstairs
- Haste To The Wedding, MDT
- The Twenty-Ninth of May, 6MDJ
- The Morris Reel
- The Morris Reel (Soldier's Joy), CJS (MSS)
- The Weeping Willow Tree, Jour EFDSS, Vol. 8
- The Willow Tree, RKS (MSS)
- Leapfrog, Carey (MSS) (From Trafford)
- Bonny Green Garters, MDT
- Jockie To The Fair, MDT
- Old Mother Oxford, MDT
- The Old Woman Tossed Up In A Blanket, MDT
- Shepherds' Hey, MDT(An Ascot tune)
- Shepherds' Hey, RKS (MSS)
- Bacca Pipes, MDT
- Brighton Camp, Joe Trafford (Carey MSS)
MB I & II; MB III (1st ed.); Jour EFDSS Vol1, No3 & Vol 8 No 4; RD (MSS of CJS, RKS, Herschel MSS, Manning & Carey; OUMM; personal observations of the Headington Quarry Men (HQM) and instruction from Wm. Kimber (WK). The MSS are derived from other dancers on the side that Sharp saw in 1899, as well as Kimber.
A living tradition. The present HQM were formed in 1948 after a break of 20 years by WK. As with the other living traditions, it is somewhat fluid, and the dances as now performed are not all precisely as Sharp described them. The HQM have themselves varied their dancing somewhat over the years. Sharp's descriptions differ in some cases as between the 1st and 2nd editions of MB, and RKS later obtained different information from WK. Consequently there is some variation in practice as between clubs.