A walking tour of Cambridge.On the afternoon there will be a massed display of morris dancing on Parker's Piece as part of the 368th Meeting of The Morris Ring. This event marks both our centenary and the 90th anniversary of the Morris Ring
We will be joined by eight other morris sides from across the country. All bar one are members of The Morris Ring, the oldest of the national Morris organisations, which this year celebrates its 90th anniversary:
The Belles of London City, Devil's Dyke Morris Men, Jockey Morris, Letchworth Morris, London Pride, Kemp's Men of Norwich, Peterborough Morris, and Thaxted Morris Men.
A throwback to the first known public performance of morris in Cambridge. On 1 May 1913, a side of boys from the Perse School danced on Parker's Piece. They had been taught by H. Caldwell Cook, an innovative educator and pioneer of learning through play.
Among the dancers was Arthur Heffer (third from left), of whom Cecil Sharp said, "He's a youngster yet, but he'll make one of the best dancers in England". In 1924, at the encouragement of Rolf Gardiner, Arthur led the first tour of the Travelling Morrice, which gave rise to the formation of the Cambridge Morris Men.
Watch this space for further details of the Spring Day of Dance / 368th Meeting of the Morris Ring.