In 2023 the Joint Morris Organisations are running a series of regional days of dance to celebrate 20 years since the national Day of Dance in Trafalgar Square in November 2003 which was held to celebrate the exemption of “morris dancing” from the Licensing Act 2003.
These regional events are hosted by a collaboration of members of teams of all three morris organisations in the UK – The Morris Federation, The Morris Ring, and Open Morris.
The regional event for the South West is in Bath on Sat 7th October 2023.
We invite you to spend the day Morris dancing in the historic city of Bath. Somerset Morris, Holt Morris and Bristol Morris Men have joined forces to arrange a Day of Dance to which everyone is invited.
Bath has some fantastic dance spots, as well as some fabulous pubs to quench your thirst.
Bookings open! Register for the event by filling in the online form here LINK TO REGISTRATION FORM:
More detailed information will be available nearer the time.