They are now at capacity and can accept no more sides.
This is THE Ring Meeting for 2022 that you cannot miss!
The venue is the world-renowned Shuttleworth Collection (near Biggleswade, Bedfordshire) of over 40 airworthy aircraft dating from 1909, plus vintage and veteran cars and motorcycles, and much more. See for details. And you will get free access (normally £15) to all this on the Sunday!
Letchworth Morris, one of the six founder sides of the Morris Ring, are 100 years old in 2022, and are determined that this will be a Meeting to remember. Top class accommodation in college-style single rooms at Shuttleworth College (bed, mattress, washbasin, bring your own sleeping bag & pillow, shared loos, showers etc) for only £135 for the weekend, or indoor (unisex) camping for £95 in the Sports Hall. Camper vans and tents as indoor camping cost.
Friday evening promises to be a meeting of old friends, partaking of a modicum of beer with a light supper available, a music session for those so inclined, and possibly even informal dancing for those young enough to enjoy it!
After a full English breakfast on Saturday, embark on one of two coaches touring the best of the local pubs, with a stop in Letchworth to confuse the locals, lunch at a rugby club, then the traditional Feast in the evening in full kit, with toasts, free beer and rousing chorus songs afterwards.
The massed display on Sunday morning at the Collection will allow you to demonstrate your art in front of the paying guests, before enjoying a buffet lunch. Afterwards you are free explore the Collection and its extensive array of exhibits.
All the attendees at the weekend will get a specially designed enamel badge commemorating the weekend, plus the printed souvenir programme, and a mystery memento...
There is a limit to the number of single rooms, so if you prefer your nights comfortable and quiet, or even if you’re happy with indoor camping, secure your place now with a 50% deposit, with the balance due by the end of March 2022. We have an overall limit of 100, and expect to be over-subscribed, so don’t delay.
Email the Bagman, Andrew Harper at harperandrew937 [at] for an Application Form