After evaluating the situation, it is with regret that we must cancel this year's Rushcart.
We are obviously devastated that this is the case for the second year running, but the pandemic has brought considerable levels of uncertainty to the event.
A respectable number of sides confirmed attendance but the size of many were lower than usual. The last thing we want is the potential to arrive on Rushcart Saturday morning to find a Cart there which can't be pulled. It would be unfair to those sides that have confirmed, the local community and our Jockey.
We also wholeheartedly understand the reasons many couldn't come - whether that be concerns around a lack of practice or the pandemic in general. I think many of those that were willing to dance out will have still had the former somewhere in their minds!
It was always going to be a stretch to organise something this year but we had to try. I really appreciate all your help in coordinating this on your end too - it is difficult most of the time, never mind during a pandemic.
Saddleworth Morris Men are still likely to do something locally in some form or other but we haven't got to the point of a decision on this as yet. It could just be ourselves dancing at one pub for example, or whether we are able to put some dance spots on as we appreciate some sides may still visit to spend time away. I'll need to speak to the Council too.
I will be in touch in September regarding next year's Cart irregardless as we have everything crossed for then.
Best wishes,
Rushcart Secretary