A low cost, full weekend meeting with the only cost being the Feast and a nominal payment for accommodation. No charge for Day visitors.
Venue: Tonbridge Juddians Rugby Club as a 'bolt on' to their 2015 SIBA Beer Festival. - http://www.southeastbeerfest.org.uk/
We will use the substantial Rugby clubhouse, with its numerous changing rooms and showers, adjacent to the festival, for indoor camping; limited outdoor camping and campervans will also be available. Sleeping will be in the large hall but bedding will need to be stowed away as the hall will be in use during the day.
The proposed programme for the meeting is:-
Friday 10th July
Evening -There will be informal music and singing at the Beer festival or in the local Tonbridge pubs
Saturday 11th July
During Saturday there will be displays of Morris dancing in Tonbridge as follows:-
10.00 am The Swimming Pool [2]
10.00 am Angel Centre [6]
11.00 am Tonbridge Castle [3]
as part of the Tonbridge Arts Festival
12 noon Watergate [4]
12 noon Juddians Rugby Club [1]
1.00 pm River Walk [5]
4.00 pm Angel Centre [6]
5.00 pm Watergate [4]
6.00 pm Juddians Rugby Club [1]
Plus around and about
1.00 pm The Man of Kent, East Peckham (TN12 5LA)
1.00 pm King William IV, Pembury (TN2 4JS)
Saturday evening,
There will be informal music and singing at the Beer festival or in the local Tonbridge pub
Sunday 12th July
Dance displays throughout the day at the Beer Festival and the numbered sites around Tonbridge, including No. 7 the Sunday Farmers Market. We will be joined by local Morris sides and the day will be organised as a Joint Morris Organisation, Regional Day of Dance. See the JMO page
Lunches at cost either at the festival or Wetherspoons/pubs/cafes. The only fixed cost will be for those Ring members opting to book a seat at the Feast. Everyone has the freedom to pay as you go.
Brian Tasker is liaising with other the other organisations whose sides are invited. This will provide for a variety of Morris presence to continue throughout Sunday. Ring Meeting attendees can of course stay on for as long as they wish or other Ring sides attend on Sunday only.
Full details of the programme are on their website http://www.hartleyringmeeting.org/