21 June 2013 to 23 June 2013

Dolphin Morris Men 45th Anniversary

Number of Men - 80 Cost for the weekend - £55 to £ 60

Women musicians welcome.

Dolphin Morris Men invite you to join with them in celebrating 45 years of dancing in the East Midlands.

The weekend will be based in Sutton Bonington, which will be familiar territory those who have attended the Jig’s Weekend or previous Dolphin

events. It will be relaxed and low key, containing all the best elements of a good Morris weekend with the minimum of pomp and ceremony.

The accommodation will be outdoor camping for tents and caravans, which will have showers, toilets and basic catering (tea, coffee etc.) available on

the campsite. For those requiring a more luxurious stay, there are a number of bed and breakfast venues in the village.

Meals, including the Feast, and local real ale, will be available in the village hall.

There are two excellent pubs in the village. The Kings Head is likely to have a lively music and song session on both Friday night and after the Feast on


For those who prefer a quieter evening there is the Anchor.Both are a short walk from either the village hall or the camp site.
On Saturday, there will be two bus tours visiting the surrounding area with pubs and venues we hope you will enjoy.
There will be a church service on Sunday with dancing in the church, followed by a short display in the church yard. (There
will be a suitable alternative for those who do not wish to attend the Church Service). The dancers will then process through Sutton Bonington to the
Kings Head, the site for the massed dancing and lunch. Dolphin will be inviting local non-Ring sides to this part of the weekend and some will include
women dancers and musicians.
Additional day places for young dancers
Dolphin Morris Men particularly want to encourage young dancers to enjoy some of the celebrations, but acknowledge that they may not wish to attend
the whole weekend. Therefore, if there are sufficient numbers, we would like to offer a day option for young dancers to travel with the tours on Saturday.
Further information from clivecowx [at] btconnect.com

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