A new Ring Bagman writes…. Charlie Corcoran danced out at Thaxted after ten years in the role of Bagman. The Ring and all its members owe a massive debt of gratitude to him for all his hard work and sensitive handling of difficult issues. He has now handed over the role: all the data files, all...

The highlights of Newsletter No.95

Page  Contents
2 MR Squire: Adam Garland: 2015 Diary & Massed Dances for 2015
3 A new Ring Bagman writes…
4 A true Nine Daies’ Wonder
4 Thaxted meeting 345
6 Adelaide Morris Men 2015 UK & European Tour
6 Steve Parker makes the Standard
7 Long Man to appear with Griff Rhys Jones
7 Sadly missed
7 Future Events
10 Morris Ring Display Boards
11 Morris Ring Publications
12 Fools & Beasts Unconvention booking form
13 Call for Contributions
14 Appendix 1: Minutes of 2015 ARM
75 Appendix 2: JMO draft statement of purpose

Document file: 
Publication date: 
July 2015