Charlie Corcoran's final newsletter before he takes a well deserved bow out...
The highlights of Newsletter No.94
Page Contents
2 May Day 2015
3 MR Squire: Adam Garland: 2015 Diary & Massed Dances for 2015
2015 JMO Day of Dance: 18th April in Bristol
5 JMO Statement of Purpose
7 Morris Ring Display Boards
10 Morris Ring Youth Workshop Peterborough
11 Adelaide MM 2015 UK & European Tour
12 Two for the Price of One: Recruitment Success
13 Apology
15 Children in Need
16 Was King Richard lll a Morris dancer?
18 Morris Ring Publications
19 Helmond Barrel Organ Museum
20 Future Events (incl. info about the Thaxted Plaque and Red Roses)
22 And final ‘and finally’
Document file:
Publication date:
May 2015