ARM Special

The highlights of Newsletter No.83 include:

Page   Contents
2. Programme for the 2013 ARM Weekend
3. 2013 ARM Agenda
Squire’s Report: Robin Springett
6. Bagman’s Report: Charlie Corcoran
10. Treasurer’s Report: Steven Archer (Accounts on separate sheet)
12. Morris Shop: Steve BfB Adamson
13. Archival Reports: Chris Metherell and colleagues
18. Social Media Report: Ollie King
19. Overseas Bagman’s Report: Nigel Strudwick
20. Web Editor’s Report: Peter De Courcy
21. Elections
22. Area Reps Reports: (inc. report on Musicians Weekend Pg 27)
32. & Pg 34 Future Programme
Other items:
33. Squire’s Massed Dances for 2013
Live Music – up-date
34. Morris Ring Publications: Contact reminder
35. Up-dates on 2013 Meetings:
 335th
Adelaide Morris
 JMO Sat 20th April Exeter Hosts: Great Western Morris
 336th
Thaxted Morris Men
 337th
Dolphin Morris Men
 338th
Martlet Sword & Morris Men
 339th
Silkeborg Morris
38. 2014 and beyond
42. Redding Moreys

Publication date: 
February 2013