The highlights of Newsletter No. 75 include:
Page Contents
2 Bagman’s Musings
3 ARM 10th – 12th February 2012 Venue: Mount St Mary College
4 Elections
5 Area Reps
7 Morris Ring Youth Fund
8 EFDSS Cecil Sharp House Centenary Day and National Gathering
9 Morris Kit: Research
10 Adelaide Meeting of the Morris Ring
10 Morris Ring Publications
11 Fools and Beasts Unconvention
12 London 2012
12 White Horse Morris Men
13 Grand Union Morris
14 Beer Mats
15 Sad Losses
15 Schedule One of the Licensing Act 2003
17 Meetings
With this Newsletter Bagmen will receive:
Morris Ring Membership Renewal /Subscription information
Guidelines regarding the JMO Public Liability Insurance Policy
JMP Personal Accident Application Form
Nomination Forms for MR Officers
MR Jigs Instructional Application Form
2012 Meeting Application Form