This is your Newsletter. It is your means of getting information to all members of all sides within our organisation. It is distributed in paper form; via the Morris Ring Google Group; via email and is available on the Morris Ring website I welcome any and all items of news and general information...

The highlights of Newsletter No.67 include:
Page  Contents
2  Peter‟s Lord of the Ring (from Rotherham Advertiser)
3  Treasurer‟s Report
4  Recruitment Handouts & PowerPoint (consultation)
4  Massed Dances for 2010
5  EFDSS Diary information
6  Introducing the MR New Dance Collator
7  Illustrious Order of Fools and Beasts
8  Report on DERT 2010
11 Morris 18-30
12 Morris Dancing Postman
14 Future Morris Ring Events

Document file: 
Publication date: 
May 2010