As I explained at the beginning of this Newsletter and every other one I have edited I need to have your news. I aim to provide information and snippets of news. The indepth stuff appears in The Circular and to help you to remember this special 75th Anniversary Summer of the Morris Ring might I...

The highlights of Newsletter No.62 include:

Page  Contents
2  Morris: A life with bells on 2
3  ARM 2010: An appeal for a host side 3
4  Amplified Music 4
4  2010 Meetings of the Morris Ring 4
5  Membership records. 5
5  Vetting and Barring Scheme 5
6  Morris Ring 75th Anniversary Youth Fund 6
8  Trevor Stone / Jack Hamilton / Janet Blunt 8
9  Treasurer‟s Notes: 9
11 Antony Gormley's fourth plinth, Trafalgar Square 11
12 Kennet Morris Men Conquer the North East 12
12 What Morris men do when not dancing 12
13 Morris Ring Shop Keepers Ramblings 13
14 EFDSS News 14
15 Makepeace Collecting Box 15
16 Dudley Binding - an apology 16
16 Bramble Bank 16
17 Morris 1820: Pontefract and Wakefield 17
18 Morris and the Olympics Update: including Dinosaurs Not Allowed 18
20 Morris Ring Archive: Andy Padmore – our new Sound Archivist 20
21 Man Friday Archive Appeal 21
21 St George‟s Day / May Day Publicity Opportunities? 21
22 Forest of Dean MM and the Wildlife Heritage Foundation. 22
23 Morris Ring 2010 Jigs Instructional 23
24 Saddleworth Jockey: John on a high 24
25 London Pride: Morris Men & Country Dancers 1922 - Present 25
27 Future Dates 27
28 Morris Ring Circular 'The Special Edition' Order Form 28
     Musicians Weekend / Jigs Instructional Application Forms Attached
29 Morris Ring Meetings 2010: Details of meetings 29
     Morris Ring Meetings 2010 Application form Attached

Document file: 
Publication date: 
October 2009