Bagman's Newsletter 4 - September 1998...

The Fourth 1998 Newsletter includes:- 

IN MEMORIAM – Notice of the deaths of Roy Horton [Bedford & Exeter]; John Green [Wessex] and Vince Webb [Carn Brae].

REMINDERS - Fools and Animals weekend and next year’s Jigs Instructional and ARM. RING MEETINGS 1998 – A Report on the Exeter Meeting at which Tim Sercombe [Exeter] danced out as Squire of the Ring and Daniel Fox [Thaxted] danced in.

RING MEETINGS 1999 - These will be hosted by: Thaxted [4 – 6 June]; Long Man [Eastbourne, 16 - 18 July]; Silurian [Ledbury, 23 – 25 July]; and Leicester [South Wigston, 8 – 10 September]. It is now time to make your Ring Meeting choice for 1999.

THE “WWW” - The Morris Organizations have now registered and the Morris Ring has registered

YOUR NEWS - Welcome to new Associates Oak Apple Mummers from Peterborough. We hear that Jockey – and hangers-on [including Past Squire Tim “International” Sercombe; and Overseas Bagman, John Maher] visited France. John Milce of Sydney Morris in Australia writes, “we always welcome visiting Morris Men”. Dudley Binding visited Vancouver Morris whilst on a trip to Canada. Congratulations to Ripley who have produced an Educational Resource Pack “Morris Dance for Youth”. This comprises a video, audio cassette and teachers manual.

ANNIVERSARIES - Congratulations to John Messias, of East Kent who celebrates 40 years as their Fool and to John o’ Gaunt of Lancaster who celebrate their 30th Anniversary. Keith Tassart, their Bagman, also reached his 30th anniversary – and is the only Founder Member still dancing. OUT AND ABOUT – The Bagman met up variously with: Anker; Exeter; Redbornstoke; Letchworth; Stevenage Sword; Grand Union Rapper; Rose and Castle; Northampton and Aldbury. 

Document file: 
Publication date: 
November 1998