The Newsletter - No. 38 – April-May 2005 - John Frearson's last as Bagman...

We are saddened to announce the passing of two Past Officers:-

Walter Abson, first Bagman of the Morris Ring, who died at the age of 94 on 27th February.

Roy Yarnell, Past Squire, who died on 14th March, after a short period in Hospital.

 Some notes are given on Page 2/3, and fuller obituaries are given in the Morris Circular. 

Our best wishes to Sonny Townsend, Fool for Bampton for many years.  He had a fall and broke his hip when leaving the party in Bampton that celebrated his 80 years with the Morris. 

We are glad that Steve Adamson, is up and about, indeed flourishing, since his “routine maintenance”.  He is to be congratulated in “chasing-up” 100% payment of subscriptions, and ensuring that you are all insured.  However, he should NOT have had to do this – it is your responsibility to ensure that you are paid up and thus insured – Steve is not a Morris Nanny!!!

 A very warm welcome to Bagman Elect, Charlie Corcoran, of Leicester.  He will dance in at Thaxted – the hand-over will hopefully be near complete by then.  By all means copy him in on any correspondence, and send us both your Programmes.  Contact details on this page.

 Welcome to new Associates, King Stone Rapper from Chipping Norton.  Founder, Garry Gibbons, is a former King John’s man and also a member of Charlbury.

Document file: 
Publication date: 
May 2005