The Newsletter - No. 36 – December 2004

This edition contains Christmas messages from the Squire and the Treasurer [this latter with important  updates on Insurance].  There is also news of the new Editors of the Morris Publications, and information on the ARM.

Did your Side remember to send their subscription?  There are still some 30 clubs who have not yet paid.  If you have not paid you will not be covered by insurance when performing.  Generally, there has been an excellently prompt response this year, with comparatively few Sides opting for the “still un-insured and making a donation to the Archive fund” option!!!

Bagmen, please remember to make this Newsletter available to your Side – the Squire is concerned that communications seem to stop with the Bagmen.  The Newsletter is available as an Email version is you ask for it.  Your successor Bagman should apply in turn as this is saved as a request by the individual, not as the Side’s current and ever changing Bagman.

We were sorry to hear that Hoghton Rapper Sword Team has decided to hang up their swords – a dwindling number of fit dancers meant they could no longer form a viable team.  But, we are pleased to welcome to new Associates, Great Yorkshire Morris.  Further details of both clubs is included in the News section.

Document file: 
Publication date: 
December 2004