The Season’s Greeting from all the Officers. The Squire’s message is on Page 3
We must congratulate all who participated, officially or as audience or supporters, in the Trafalgar Square “Celebration”. After the “victory”, Patrick Harries, Squire of Wessex, a Side who were affected early in the saga wrote “Wessex have always been pleased to be associated with a modicum of mayhem and are delighted to have been - at least in part and unintentionally - responsible for highlighting the potential disaster of the Bill. My personal congratulations to the negotiators and thanks for their efforts on behalf of us all!” His thanks to the Morris Organisations’ negotiating team is typical of the grateful and appreciative response from many Sides in the Morris Ring. We must appreciate that there is still work to do, especially for musicians and singers who are not associated with Morris and similar events – and with drafting of Guidance Notes, and with their implementation. As soon as matters become clearer, it is hoped that Guidance Notes for Morris Sides and their potential hosts, will be produced.
As this goes to press the Queen’s Speech threatens further action on “Street and other Collections” – prepare for another skirmish!!
We are sorry to hear that Associates, Gallus Morris has officially folded. Part of a note from Norman Peacock is included in the News Section. Various other Associates are no longer active or have joined other Organisations – please refer to the Amendments pages.