In issue 73 there are articles on, among others, Taylor's Men, Grand Union Morris, Bathampton Morris Men and the One Day Wonders. The Men of Sweyn's Ey - and one member of Morris 18-30 - are at a difficult age, and Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men go all ropey. There are images from the York JMO Day of Dance, the London Meeting of the Morris Ring (hosted magnificently by Ravensbourne Morris Men), the World Famous Ashdown Mummers and glimpses of the beautiful city of Chester, with its equally beautiful (ahem) eponymous Morris Men, in blazing sunshine. See, it's not at all grim up north!
Contributions are invited for the next issue of the Morris Ring Circular. Contributions, like our foreman's legs, are few and far between, and I really don't like having to come to you cap in hand begging for items to include. A major reason for the lengthening gap between publication dates is the scarcity of articles - I can't write them all (and you wouldn't wish me so to do). You may not think you have anything to offer - I'll be the judge of that, my lad! Oh, go on, go on - send it in!
Again I make a special plea: that the resolution of all photographs submitted be as high as possible to allow for successful reproduction in printed paper form - a process significantly compromised if the original picture has been inadequately captured. So please instruct your digital device to take uncompressed pictures set at the highest possible quality (size) and lay off the digital zoom. That way, if your apparatus boasts, say, at least a 7 megapixel lens, the resulting images should not suffer unduly if reproduced as the MRC front cover at around seven inches wide by eight inches high. Such fame! But please don't be deterred from submitting that stunning shot however it was achieved - valiant attempts (up to a point, Lord Copper) will be made to do it justice.
And please include this important information: the photographer's name, the identity of the featured persons (individuals/side), details of the location and the date on which the photo was taken (it's all essential for future researchers). Great photos do not necessarily need an accompanying article or report; as long as those crucial facts are to hand, such images are very welcome, so dig 'em out or snap anew.
Thank you - hope you find something to tickle your fancy in MRC73.
Anthony Foard (Ed.)
Tony Foard
Editor, The Morris Ring Circular